This is the homepage! Welcome to my notes but online. Here’s links to all the primary hubs or classes
This is a test
- Computer Architecture - CS 250
- Data Structures and Algorithms - CS 251
- Systems Programming - CS 252
- Software Engineering - CS 307
- Intro to Computer Graphics - CS 334
- Operating Systems - CS 354
- Computer Security - CS 426
- Algorithms - CS 381
- Software Testing - CS 408
- Great Issues in CS - CS 361
- Computer Networks - CS 422
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence - CS 471
- Geosciences in the Cinema - EAPS 106
- Thunderstorms and Tornadoes - EAPS 138
- Geology 1 - EAPS 111
- Geology 2 - EAPS 112
- Calculus 2 - MA 162
- Intro Sociology - SOC 100
- History of Rock n Roll - HIST 371
- Intro to Personal Finance - CSR 103