
  • Today’s computers use a binary symbol set
    • Two symbol system to represent information in computers (primarily)
    • Examples…
      • Heads/Tails
      • Modulo 2 Arithmetic
      • Statements that are True/False
      • 1/0
      • Yes/No
      • and so on
  • A Bit is a binary digit
    • A bit
  • A Bit String - an ORDERED sequence of bits
    • 1101 is a bit string, and is a different one from 1011
    • 1 is a valid bit string (just a very short one)
  • A Byte - an 8 bit bit-string

Representing Bits Electrically

  • We use voltage on a wire to represent bits
  • Use 2 distinct voltage bands with a gap to reduce representation errors
  • We can represent a k-bit bit string using k wires, one per bit in the bit string.
    • So if we wanted to represent a 128 bit bit-string, we would need 128 wires
  • Bus - a collection of k wires carrying the k bits of a k-bit bit string;
    • Bus diagram may be k lines or a single line labeled with k or with k understood implicitly
    • Basically a bus is a collection of wires to carry k bits of a bit string. On diagrams, we don’t necessarily draw all the wires we just imply how many wires are actually necessary

Bit Strings

  • Digital information is all compromised of bit strings
  • Bit strings can represent anything (as long as there’s enough storage)
    • Because of this, computers are broadly useful
  • Bit strings by themselves have no meaning
    • They gain meaning when paired with a representation
    • Representation is a lens through which we view a meaning
    • Pair a bit string with a different representation and you get a different meaning
    • Representations
  • A k-bit string is made of a sequence of k independent choices from {0, 1}
  • There are distinct k-bit strings (From the Product Rule of combinatorics)
  • k bits can
    • be transported on just k wires
    • yet can represent up to distinct values