

  • A number system that uses Base 2 compared to the normal decimal system that uses Base 10
  • The only possible values are 0 and 1, so all numbers are comprised of a bunch of 0’s and 1’s
  • A number in binary of length k and can represent values
  • Each digit going from right to left is 2 to the power of the digits position. If there’s a one in that spot, add that to your decimal number, otherwise go to the next.
  • Here’s a better example.
  • Binary is used very commonly in computer science, so it is important to know
  • A common representation of binary numbers starts with 0bNUMBER
    • The number above would be, 0b10011011


  • To aid in expressing binary values, we use Hexadecimal
  • Hexadecimal is very similar to binary, except it uses base 16 instead of base 2.
  • The values for Hex are - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
  • Hex offers two main advantages
    • More compact than binary, allowing for shorter representations
    • Since sixteen is a power of two, conversion between binary and hex is fairly easy
  • Hex basically groups each group of four bits as a single hex digit
  • Example of hexadecimal encoding, converting binary string to hexadecimal
  • Hexadecimal numbers are most often written as 0xNUMBER to denote that the number is in Hex and not anything else.
    • As an example, the number from figure 3.5 above is written as 0xDEC90949