Spring 2024, Junior Year
Professor Bryant
Link Hub
- Minerals and Rocks
- Earths History
- Plate Tectonics
- Geologic Time Scale
- Diversity of Life
- The Precambrian
- Paleozoic
Labs in this class were tedious and awful. Class was fine overall, just…boring. I don’t like rocks much lol.
General Class Info
- Professor Roger Bryant
- Focuses on Earth History
- Four exams all online through lockdown browser - open note though
- Historical Geology: Evolution of Earth and Life Through Time, 8th ed., Reed Wicander, James S Monroe, Cengage
Learning - Interpreting Earth History: A Manual in Historical Geology, 9th ed., Scott Ritter, Morris Petersen, Waveland Press, ISBN
9781478648970 - Pre lecture quizzes due before each lecture on brightspace
- 3 attempts, can use book
- Labs are in person
- no formal attendance requirements right now, lectures are recorded. labs are required attendance
- Quizzes, 1 syllabus and 20 pre lecture, 2 dropped, 10%
- Labs, 11 of them, 1 dropped, 45%
- Exams, 4 of them, 1 dropped, 45%
- Standard grading scale (90+ is A 80+ is B…)