Agents & Environment
- AI as an Agent
- ==Agent - Anything that perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon it through actuators==
- Example: Human Agent
- Sensors: Eyes, ears, etc.
- Actuators: Hands, legs, vocal tract
- Percepts - The content an agent's sensors are perceiving
- ==Percept Sequence - The complete history of everything the agent has perceived==
- Agent Function - A mapping of any given percept sequence to an action
- ==Agent Program - A concrete implementation to realize an agent function internally==
- ==Agent - Anything that perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon it through actuators==
- How do we define a rational agent though?
- A rational agent should select an action that is expected to maximize its performance measure, given the evidence provided by the percept sequence and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has about the environment
- But you must define a performance measure for this to work
Specifying the Task Environment
- Task Environment - the “problems” to which rational agents are the “solutions”
- Performance measures: How desirable is the sequence of environments the agent has experienced?
- Environment: What are the key elements in the surroundings of the agent that can influence the agent?
- Actuators: What allows the agent to take actions?
- Sensors: What allows the agent to perceive its surroundings?
Agent Programs
There are multiple ways we could implement an agent function
- Table driven approach
- P = set of possible percepts
- T = lifetime of an agent
- = Table size
- Problem is the table size is WAY too big to be actually usable
- Simple Reflex Agents
- Cannot model complicated behavior
- Model-based Reflex Agents
- Doesn’t think about the goal
- Goal-based agents
- But it can’t tell you exactly how happy the agent is…
- Utility-based agents
- Designing a rational agent is to design an agent that maximizes its expected utility
- Spectrum of state representations
- Atomic
- Everything is independent from each other
- Example: City names (West Lafayette, Gary, Chicago, Indianapolis)
- Factored
- Multiple measured things in state
- GPS coordinates, current speed, current direction, current gas in the tank…
- Structured
- Objects and relations get built in
- Objects: Car A, Car B, my car, traffic signs…
- Relations: Car A is in front of Car B…
- Atomic