
What are ethics?

Ethics are systematic approaches to making choices - particularyl, difficult choices with moral implications; systems of principles.

  • How do we achieve what is good?
  • How do we know what is right to do? The formal study of ethics is named metaethics
  • Metaethics is a subfield of philosophy
  • Various subfields of ethics study exist, including normative and applied
  • We will primarily discuss normative ethics - what you should do in any given situation, and professional ethics - what is expected of a professional in a field Ethical systems need an underlying goal. For example:
  • to do what is right (deontological)
  • to do what brings the best results (ends justify the means; ontological, or consequentialism)
  • based on religion (often a variation of the “Golden Rule”)
  • are we just to all? (justice theory)
  • do ethics even matter? (existentialism)
  • MORE! Our society is primarily based on deontological principles, with some consideration of utilitarianism and justice
  • it isn’t whether you win or lose, its how you play the game
  • Rules matter (e.g. Miranda rights)
  • We DON’T ignore rules based on the outcome
    • You can’t claim “I had to follow orders” or “whatever it takes”

Professional Ethics

Most major professional organizations have a Code of Ethics or a Code of Professional Conduct for guidance. These are intended to enhance trust in the profession, help guide members, and serve to educate the public.

Why do we care about ethics?

  • Ethics are important! The concepts of honor and trust are closely tied with ethical behavior, if those are of importance to you than ethics are important to you
  • When you are unsure what is ethical you may
    • delay in deciding
    • regret your decisions
    • make poor choices
    • cause others to behave poorly
  • We have many overlapping ethics systems
    • Societal ethics - what society as a whole thinks is correct and incorrect
    • Organizational ethics - what an organization allows and dis allows in pursuit of its goal
    • Professional ethics - what others expect of you as a member of a profession
    • Personal ethics - what you personally believe is the right thing to do
  • You need to carefully consider your choices if they are at odds within the multiple overlapping ethics systems