FIFO - First In First Out
- Data structure to store and remove data
- First data enqueued is the first data dequeued (FIFO)
- Think of it like a queue of people in a checkout line. First person to enter the line will be the first person to leave the line.
- Standard methods for stacks
- Add an element to the end of the queuedequeue()
- Remove an element from the front of the queue and return itisEmpty()
- Returns whether or not the queue is emptysize()
- Returns the number of elements in the queuepeek()
- Returns the element at the front of the queue (doesn’t remove it)
Implementations of Queues
- Using Arrays
- Arrays will have lower memory overhead compared to linked lists
- An array implementation usually uses a circular array
- The data structure will keep track of the index of the front and back of the queue
- If there isn’t another spot to add to, first check if we can loop back around to the front of the array
- If we can’t loop back around to the front then we increase the size of the array
- Using Linked Lists
- Because linked lists are resizable you don’t need to keep track of indices at all
- You have to keep track of the front and back queue nodes to enqueue onto and dequeue off of