
  • Non-linear, top-down structures
  • Trees are composed of a series of nodes that point to children (the node that points to children is called a parent)
  • Trees can have 0 to many children
  • Trees are part of the wider set of Graphs (They’re a type of graph)


  • Size: number of nodes in a tree
    • Just count the number of nodes
    • A tree is considered empty when there are 0 nodes in it
  • Root: A node that has no parent nodes
    • Usually the node at the top of the tree that all other nodes descend from
  • Parent: Node that points to the current node
  • Grandparent: Node that points to this nodes parent
  • Sibling: Nodes other than the current node that the parent points to
  • Children: Nodes that the current node points to
  • Leaf: Node that has no children
  • Height: Distance between lowest node and root node
    • Height at the root is considered 0
  • Depth: same as height

Binary Trees

  • Special kind of tree where each node has either 0, 1, or 2 children
    • We designate these children as left or right
  • A full binary tree is a binary tree where every node has 2 children except for the leaves
  • Properties of binary trees
    • Given a binary tree of height h, the maximum number of leaves it can have is and the maximum number of nodes it can have is

Traversing Binary Trees

  • (We will use the above tree as an example)
  • Preorder - NLR
    • Visit a node before its descendants (NLR)
    • Example in above: A, B, D, E, C, F, G
  • Inorder - LNR
    • Visit a node before its right descendant but after its left descendant (LNR)
    • Example in above: D, B, E, A, F, C, G
  • Postorder - LRN
    • Visit a node after its descendants (LRN)
    • Example in above: D, E, B, F, C, G, A
  • Levels
    • Traverse the tree one level at a time from left to right
    • Example in above: A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Expression Trees

We can build binary trees out of arithmetic expressions by creating splits at significant operators

  • Converting into an expression tree would look like this