• Earned income is money from work primarily through the labor market
    • Salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, or self-employment
  • Unearned income is money typically derived from investments
  • One of the easiest ways to begin earning unearned income is to deposit money into a savings account
  • Interest & Dividends
    • During your lifetime financial journey you can make money three ways: employment, as a lender, and an investor
  • Investors are people who put their money at risk thorugh the partial ownership of businesses
    • If the company is profitable investors get to share in the profits
    • Dividend is the investors share of the profits
  • All investing involves risk, and in general the higher the degree of risk the higher opportunity for return
    • Objective risk can be measured using probabilities
    • Subjective risk refers to personally developed probabilities based on expectations, fear or worry