- Linked Lists are a dynamic linear data structure
- There are a few kinds of linked lists
- Singly Linked List: each node in the list points to the next element in the list
- Doubly Linked List: each node in the list points to the next element and previous element in the list
- Circularly linked list: the last element in the list points to the first (and in a doubly circular linked list, the first element will point to the last element)
- Accessing data in a linked list is
- This is because you will have to traverse through the list to get to the item you are accessing
- Inserting an element into the list
- Inserting at the front of the list
- Inserting at the back of the list:
- If you have a pointer to the tail of the list:
- Otherwise,
- Inserting into the middle of the list:
- Deleting an element from the list
- Singly linked list since you have to always loop from the front to find the previous node to set the next pointer of
- Doubly linked list since you can just look at the node that’s being deleted to find the previous/next nodes and set their pointers