- 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research project
- Claude Shannon
- John McCarthy
- Marvin Minsky
- Timeline of AI
- 1940-1950: Early days
- 1943 - McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of brain
- 1950 - Turings “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
- 1943-1965: Early AI Research
- 1950-1970: Excitement!
- 1956 - Dartmouth meeting “Artificial Intelligence” adopted
- 1950’s - Early AI programs: chess, checkers, theorem proving
- 1965 - Robinson’s complete algorithm for logical reasoning
- 1970-90: Knowledge-based approaches
- 1969-79 - Early development of knowledge-based systems
- 1980-88 - Expert systems industry booms
- 1988-93 - Expert systems industry busts: “AI Winter”
- 1990-2012: Statistical approaches + subfield expertise
- Resurgence of probability, focus on uncertainty
- Agents and learning systems… “AI Spring”?
- 2012-Now: Excitement again!
- Big data, big compute, deep learning
- AI used in many industries
- Today’s AI
- We’ve made great progress in AI over the last 60+ y ears
- Notoriously underestimated the difficulty of the problem
- In 1966, Seymour Papert told his graduate students to “solve” computer vision as a summer project. They couldn’t because its not that easy
- Today’s computer vision is still very rough
- The bird moved a FEW pixels to the left and the probability it was actually a bird shot up