Data Structures and Algorithms - CS 251, Fall 2022, Sophomore Year
Professor Bejarano
Link Hub
- Runtime Expressions
- Experimental Analysis
- Big O
- Big Ω
- Big θ
- Data Structures
- Sorting
- Search Trees
- Yell at matthew if you need these lower 3, i have them in my OneNote i just have to write em up
- Graphs
- Union Find
- Strings
- OneNote Notes: Info (Web view)
Professor Bejarano made this class more interesting, he was fun to have as a professor. Reminded me of Dr. Turkstra in some ways. This class goes into a bunch of data structures and algorithms. I’d say assignments were more manageable and doable, but not really easy. Also somewhat difficult projects, but fun nonetheless.
General Class Info
- Professor Bejarano - abejara@purdue.edu
- Textbook: Purdue_CS251_Textbook/Algorithhms 4th Edition
- Enoch Adun - course specialist
- Five main topics
- Algorithm Analysis
- Fundamental Data Structures
- Sorting and Searching
- Graphs
- Strings
- Grading
- Final and midterms 1, 2, 3 - 12.5% each
- HW - 20%
- Projects - 20%
- Quizzes - 10%
- 8 HW assignments - lowest 2 are dropped
- 4 programming projects
- building data structures from scratch
- weekly quizzes