#CS251#Computer-Science#Sorting We pick a pivot value from the array, put it into its right position, then call QuickSort on the other two halves of the array


QuickSort(A: array, l: left boundary, r: right boundary)
	if (l < r)
		m <- Partition(A, l, r) // returns index for pivot value
		QuickSort(A, l, m-1)
		QuickSort(A, m+1, r)
	end if
	return A
end QuickSort
Partition(A, l, r)
	p <- A[r], i <- l-1
	for (j = l to r-1)
		if (A[j] < p)
			i <= i+1
			swap(A, i, j)
	swap(A, i, r)
	return i
end Partition	


Things can go right here and things can go wrong

  • What can go right?
    • We get a “good” pivot value
      • This can create balanced partitions, we end up like Merge Sort
      • This could also create unbalanced partitions, where 99% of the items go to one partition and 1% goes to the other partition. Even in this extreme cdase, QuickSort is still
  • Worst Case
    • We choose the worst pivot value (the maximum value as the pivot)
      • This creates one partition with the remaining items and one with no items
      • This time complexity ends up being